Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Be Successful as a New Manager- The Muse

How to Be Successful as a New Manager- The MuseHow to Be Successful as a New Manager- The MuseThat entry-level job you started 13 months ago has become second nature to you. In fact, youve got it so wired that your boss has to come-up with creative, new ways to keep you challenged and interested. She asks you to do things like training new employees as they get hired, or representing your group on a cross-functional team that is working on a high-visibility initiative. Whatever the circumstance, you sense its time to make the leap and take on a mid-level position that will help you grow professionally, personally, and financially. However, getting promoted may be easier than managing your new responsibilities. According to the Diane Egbers and Karen Schenck, 40% of newly promoted leaders fail in new roles within 18 months. Why? Lots of reasons from over-estimating your readiness to not clicking with your new boss. Here are three ways to think differently and be successful in your fir st mid-level job 1. Look Up (Not Just Down)Your first position involved managing details and tactics, problem solving, and completing tasks that were mostly short-term. These are looking down tasks. More advanced positions involve detailed tasks and tactics too, but these positions also involve being able to look up so you can see how all the tasks connect to one another to form a whole plan. The most important tasks managers face take mora time, input, and consideration to solve. For example, being a contract administrator or project accountant are jobs that take super look down skills, involving managing details and sweating the small stuff. But when people in those roles get promoted to being an assistant project or contract manager, they may become accountable for all of the budgets and expenses on the job- not just the ones associated with one element of the project. Knowing how to manage groups of functions falls into that category. Before jumping to solutions like you might h ave done before, make sure youre seeing the whole picture and how each piece connects to the others.2. Learn to Embrace And-Both Thinking (Instead of Either-Or)With your new responsibilities, do you focus on short-term issues like reviewing expenses on a routine basis or long-term needs like re-vamping important policies? If you had to make a choice between doing what is best for the shareholders (like taking a new contract with a high-paying customer, who complains about everything and is demoralizing to work with) and what is best for the employees (like, saying no to this kind of new business) how would you decide? Every option and every answer to a problem usually come with a downside that is a trade off to its upside. Be curious and investigate all the angles of important decisions. Youre not just the person charged with executing the task Youre charged with developing the best plan. Youll need to see the validity of all points of view, even if theyre contradictory. Start by no ticing your tendency to want to oversimplify things or to become uncomfortable in complex situations. Some of the best answers you will land on will take into account the grey areas of a situation and find new and creative ways to accommodate multiple interests. So, in the situation above, youd want to consider both your shareholders and employees by agreeing on clearly defined quality standards that your team can live with as a condition of taking on the clients new business. 3. Make the Shift From Me to WeOK, so it sounds sappy, but its true. Entry-level employees have to take care of business and become successful as individual contributors. When you move up the ladder, you have to be a team player who isnt as concerned about getting high fived because you did a good job. Your focus should be on supporting everyones contributions.Since your new job is more closely hooked to the work of others, work on really developing the skills that go into being a great team member. These incl ude listening with empathy, defining accountability and authority clearly, having difficult conversations, and knowing yourself better.Mid-level employees are the heartbeat that drives execution in organizations. They are the critical link in the chain between the doers on the front line and strategizers at senior levels. Of all the leaps youll make, the most profound one is the leap of mindset from being satisfied with your own individual contributions to broader sources of satisfaction in the collective accomplishments of groups and teams. Photo of team meeting courtesy of Shutterstock.

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